Sally IbbotsonOnline Qigong Classes, Coaching and Retreats

Qigong Prescriptions. In Dorset single inside qigong

Qigong Health Prescriptions - how we focus on specific conditions

Qigong is beneficial for the body and soul a daily practice is to be recommended. However, we can also address specific health concerns and issues such as High Blood Pressure, Eye trouble, Breathing difficulty etc. by tailoring the practice to our needs.






HERE is a video of Qigong for Eye health.

..Other prescriptions...


Personal Qigong Coaching. Tulips

Qigong for Balance September 2022

This Qigong set was made following a question about balance from an on-line class participant. The query was about physical balance, however balance emotionally or in terms of lifestyle might also be addressed
Click Here! for instructions.

Personal Qigong Coaching. Wonam Tai Chi meadow

Qigong moves and holding stances aimed at quelling Anxiety

Click Here to see the You Tube video!
We focused on addressing anxiety for 6 of our weekly on-line sessions. Specific qigong medicine is a powerful self help tool if repeated daily for a few weeks

Personal Qigong Coaching. older people qigong

February 2018: A Call from the Heart

Researchers have called for Tai Chi to be embedded in the standard Cardiac Rehabilitation NHS pathway as Outcome Measures show such success! Read more HERE

Deeply Relaxing Qigong August 2022

CLICK HERE! for a new You Tube video showing the movements of Fa Soong Gong which I teach on retreat and which I offer once a month as a free on-line evening practice.

Personal Qigong Coaching. Wonam Tai Chi meadow

Qigong for Mobility and Rehabilitation

One of the beauties of Qigong is it's simplicity. In terms of starting or returning to exercise this Form - called Fragrant Buddha - relies on engaging the mind in a story set in nature. The mind finds stories set in beautiful places it hard to resist so it is more likely to 'turn off' thought such as 'I can't move my arm sideways' or ' 'I will fall if I stand up'. Messages of pain are still there to protect us, however people can often do more than they think when they let the body decide!! Try the form here!

Qi Gong and Blood Pressure

For a short video on the benefits of Qi Gong for those with High Blood Pressure - please click here.

Try 5 minutes of Qigong!

See here. for a simple You Tube video.


Buying someone a Shiatsu or a Qigong lesson is a great way to show your appreciation - vouchers to put with cards are available. contact me for information.

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