Sally IbbotsonOnline Qigong Classes, Coaching and Retreats

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Sally Ibbotson

Qigong Teacher and Shiatsu Practitioner

Sally practices Shiatsu in Oxford and London and runs Qigong classes and retreats on-line.
She has been Practising and Teaching for 30 years and has worked in the local Community, the Hospice movement and the NHS as well as for Corporations.

Sally specialises in online classes and day retreats and in designing Personal Qigong forms that are individual and in tune with your needs. She also coaches people in order to support their practice.

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What is Qigong?

Qigong is a form of moving meditation similar to Tai Chi. It is more ancient, works intimately with the breath and is easy to learn. It works on the premise that as we are a part of all that is, we can gather energy and store energy (Qi/life-force) by adopting a meditative attitude and moving in time-tested ways. CLICK HERE for an example of Qigong..





Benefits of Qigong

Examples of Conditions which are typically improved by Qigong are:

*Lower Back pain: In a 2005 study, 87% of Qigong practitioners reported less back pain.
*Stress-related issues, Fibromyalgia, Chronic fatigue.
*Joint Pain or Stiffness or post injury rehabilitation.
*Sleeping difficulty.
*Menstruation or pregnancy issues.

"I came to you for Qigong because work deadlines had become so stressful that my IBS was causing me to double up in pain. During the 7 weeks that I have been practising daily qigong, my partner has noticed how much better I have negotiated those deadlines. I am no longer in pain, my neck and shoulders are more mobile and although I am tired, I am not so stressed. I will certainly make regular Qigong part of my life!" (Steve, June 22)


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On-line Classes and Courses

Qigong classes are held at 9.30 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday  for 40 minutes. Please see here for details. Beginners and experienced practitioners are all very welcome. The classes strive to create a community atmosphere - from your own home.


Day Retreats

Once every season, we meet online to do Qigong, meditation, journalling and more, in line with the time of year.

We meet at potent times on the Oriental Dayclock (07.00, 11.00, 16.00 and 19.30), sometimes called the Organ Clock - an ancient way of separating our 24 hour clock into times when elemental Qi is more dominant - for example Fire is more dominant at Noon and the organs of Fire - the heart and small intestine - are more receptive to Fire energy at that time. During these days, we ask what small changes we can make to be more in tune with these elemental patterns around and within us - in order to have better days.

We create a day long community - checking in with each other via Zoom 4 times, as above, for 40 minutes and recieving regular prompts to be mindful, present and in the moment so we experience life with all her beauty and complexity.

Our next date is yet to be announced.




What past participants said:

"I awoke with a headache and soon felt revitalised and healthy! I reached the end of this marvellous day of Qigong with an ineffable sense of calm and profound tiredness - it was the best kind of tiredness - it lead to a deep and peaceful sleep"

Marianne De Giorgio October 2022

"I really enjoyed the day and learnt a lot. It was easy to prepare for and the facilitation was very good. It made me happy!"
Jessie J. (Participant) December 2022

"It felt like a holiday for me - it was good to have the reminders (to be still) as I can get easily lost in my daily life"
R.H. (Participant) December 2022

"It was a brilliant day and very clearly run. I felt benefit the next day - more centred, grounded and (I had) increased energy"
Joanna L. (Participant) November 2022

"I am amazed at how my internal alchemy changed - I felt calm and slept well. Since repeating the Qigong from the last session of the day, I have not taken (my usual) sleeping pill.
A.Beiran (Participant) October 2022


My YouTube channel has options for home practice and all classes and coaching sessions are backed up by easy to follow videos.



A Workbook about Qigong and the 5 Elements

This book was written and illustrated by Sally and is now published as an ebook.

Please see HERE for details.
It is designed to be a book that you can write in as you explore how the Art of Traditional Chinese Medicine can help you to have days that are more in tune with Nature.... and with your Nature.
The book is also available as a PDF and a hard copy pleas see here.

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Personal Qigong

Sally specialises in designing personal daily practices which include
Mindful movement
Intentional visioning
Strategies for clearing blocks to progress

This unique service comprises

An hour long interview by Zoom along the lines of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
A personal practice video for you to set up your daily routine
3 coaching calls a month.

The price is £120

Please contact me by clicking here. for more information.

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Ancient and Effective

The BBC programme ‘Trust Me I’m a Doctor’ (Series 2; 19th October 2018) the late Michael Mosely compared Tai Chi to Zumba, favourably, as a form of aerobic exercise by measuring flexibility of capillaries, chemical markers of inflammation and heart rate .

This is backed up by a paper published in the BMJ 24th March 2018 which compared Tai Chi to aerobic exercise. Similar physiological results were found and in addition, class attendance and adherence to home exercise was higher than in standard prescribed exercise (patients found Qigong/Tai Chi more enjoyable and less painful) and physiologically had similar or greater benefits. Tai Chi and Qigong are so similar that the research can be applied to both.

"Hello from Canada, .
I have just discovered your you tube postings, and just wanted to say thank you. Your teaching is so clear and easy to follow. I have practiced Qigong for several years now and yoga for many, many, so the frame of reference for my accolades to you are well established.." (2022 You tube subscriber)

The Qi Gong Teachers Association UK is a good source of information about Qigong in general.

"...wanted to say thank you. Your teaching is so clear and easy to follow..."


Qualifications and Insurance



Dip. Shiatsu

Dip Counselling Theory and Practice
Dip. Teacher of Body Massage
Dip. Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Well Mother Teacher of Pregnancy Massage
Dip. Teacher of Qigong

My practice is insured by Balens UK.

Find me on Google by searching 'Sally Ibbotson Qigong'

My YouTube channel is HERE

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